The IWM NAMA project aims to reduce GHG emissions of China’s waste sector and induce a transformational change in the way waste is handled through increasing the attractiveness of IWM and waste-to-energy solutions as financially sustainable low-carbon investment options.
Greenhouse gas emissions reduced
Direct GHG emissions of each demonstration municipality are reduced by 140,000 tonnes CO2e/year, which is equivalent to
carbon sequestered by 6,360,000 trees*

* based on the estimation that one tree on average sequesters 22 kg of CO2 per year
Number of people directly benefiting from the IWM NAMA project
At least 18,340,000 inhabitants of the demonstration municipalities have access to improved waste management systems established
according to the international best practice in IWM.
Key Stakeholders supporting the introduced IWM solutions and replicating them
  • 200 political decision-makers on the municipal level, participating in the project activities, consider integrated waste management as a
  • feasible solution and integrate it in their planning documents.
  • 11 additional municipalities (beyond the project demonstration municipalities) replicate the approaches demonstrated by the IWM NAMA project.
  • Volume of public finance mobilised for low-carbon investment and development
    More than 350 million EUR of public funds are invested in low-carbon IWM solutions.
    Volume of private finance mobilised for low-carbon investment and development
    At least 300 million EUR of private investments are channelled to replicate the IWM approach throughout China, improving health
    and well-being of the local population.