October 26, 2022

14th FYP for Municipal Infrastructure Construction released

On July 7, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MoHURD) and National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) jointly issued the 14th FYP (Five-Year National Plan) for Municipal Infrastructure Construction. The Plan proposes that during the 14th FYP period, the municipal waste segregation and transportation capacity, incineration capacity, resource management capacity of the cities nationwide will be increased by 200,000 tons/day, 200,000 tons/day, 30 million tons/year respectively. 500 existing domestic waste treatment facilities will be rebuilt. The national construction waste disposal capacity and construction waste resource utilization capacity will be increased by 400 million tons/year and 250 million tons/year respectively. By 2025, the recycling rate of MSW should reach 35%, the percentage of MSW incineration capacity will rise from 58.9% in 2020 to 65% (including ≥ 40% in the western region), the resource utilization rate of MSW should rise from 51.2% in 2019 to 60%, and the comprehensive utilization rate of municipal construction waste should reach 50%.

Beijing issued Supervision and Management Measures for Energy Conservation and Environment Protection binding for Central Enterprises

On August 1, the Chinese State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), an ad-hoc ministerial level organization directly subordinated to the State Council, introduced the “Supervision and management measures for energy conservation and environment protection binding for central enterprises”. Central enterprises are state-funded enterprises authorized by the SASAC under the State Council. They are divided into three categories based on the sector they belong, their energy consumption, the emission level of major pollutants and environmental impact. The Measures establish and/or improve the information disclosure system of CO2 emissions and reporting obligations was set was each category.

List for Waste Segregation Demonstration Units Published

Jointly issued on Aug 31 by the National Government Offices Administration (NGOA), Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MoHURD), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and Ministry of Economy and Environment (MEE), the list includes 146 waste segregation demonstration units, including universities, municipalities and hospitals. For a period of three years, these units are to take the lead in implementing waste segregation and recycling, being inspected and evaluated on a regular basis. The experiences of these units are also to be processed and made available to others.

Notice on strengthened control of excessive packaging of goods

On September 8, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice on goods packaging. By 2025, a control system is to be established to prevent excessive packaging on main products such as mooncakes and tea. Specific measures in succession include technical innovation, reduction of packaging in production and distribution, as well as increased recycling and disposal of packaging waste. Optimizing laws and regulations and specifying relevant standards in the field of packaging. Budget planning provided by local city governments for excessive packaging control. Accessible regular goods packaging inspection reports of major industry associations. Awareness-raising activities and events on preventing excessive packaging.


14th FYP for Municipal Infrastructure Construction released. Source: https://www.mohurd.gov.cn/gongkai/fdzdgknr/zfhcxjsbwj/202207/20220729_767388.html

Beijing issued Supervision and Management Measures for Energy Conservation and Environment Protection binding for Central Enterprises. Source: http://www.sasac.gov.cn/n2588035/n2588320/n2588335/c25677916/content.html

List for Waste Segregation Demonstration Units Published. Source: https://www.ggj.gov.cn/tzgg/202208/t20220831_41129.htm

Notice on strengthened control of excessive packaging of goods. Source: http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2022-09/08/content_5708858.htm