Save-the-date: Low-carbon Integrated Waste Management Symposium on September 7-8

August 25, 2020
The China Integrated Waste Management NAMA Support Project (China IWM NSP) in cooperation with the Sino-German Strategic Alliance for Advanced Biomethane Technology and the regional project “Rethinking Plastics – Circular Economy Solutions to Marine Litter” is organising the Low-carbon Integrated Waste Management Symposium that will be held on September 7-8 in Bengbu, Anhui Province, China (click HERE to register for the meeting).
The topics that we will shed light on will range from the insights into municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in China to inputs regarding agricultural waste, plastic waste, methods for assessing and ways to finance MSWM and much more! Please find the draft agenda attached and make sure to save the date for the topics of your interest.
Stay tuned and see you in Bengbu!