Waste Management Policies

Policies are necessary to ensure that the framework conditions supporting and promoting IWM as well as directing particular waste streams into the corresponding waste treatment facilities are in place. It includes variety of approaches and policy instruments – from market mechanism and voluntary compliance schemes to mandatory policies, sanctions and bans.

Improvement in the Formulation/Implementation of Policies/Standards for IWM

The project team commissioned GOPA Infra GmbH to complete a thematic summary report on Suggestions for Improvement in the Formulation and Implementation of Policies and Standards for Integrated Waste Management in China. The report is finished in May, 2022.

July 1, 2022

Low-carbon Integrated Waste Management Symposium PPT slides

Low-carbon Integrated Waste Management Symposium is a series of international seminars supported by the IWM NAMA project. It aims to summarize the best cases and best environmental practices in municipal waste management, share advanced experience in national and international MSW management, and promote municipal waste management industry In-depth exchanges to promote low-carbon sustainable development of […]

December 28, 2021

Quality Assurance of Compost and Digestate: Experiences from Germany

The brochure provides information on the quality assurance system (QAS) and quality assurance organization (QAO) that exist in Germany to guarantee high quality of compost and digestate. The publication outlines the basic principles of QAS and includes an overview of the legal framework guiding management of bio-waste in the EU and in Germany. The Chinese translation […]

May 27, 2020
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