

Project Goals

Technical assistance to the demonstration municipalities
Technical assistance to the demonstration municipalities
  • Support in integrating best practice solutions into the municipal waste management plans.
  • Advice on improving existing facilities and establishing new ones.
  • Optimisation of waste logistics.
  • Development of the KPI system and smart solid waste management.
  • Solutions to improve financial sustainability.
  • Suggestions regarding the possible synergies within the sector/ with other industries.
Policy advice
Policy advice
  • Development of technical standards for the waste sector.
  • Elaboration of policy recommendations to facilitate the transition towards low-carbon IWM.
  • Advice on the combination of various policy instruments.
Analysis of greenhouse gas emission reductions
Analysis of greenhouse gas emission reductions
  • Baseline analysis of GHG emissions reduction potential in waste sector.
  • Monitoring and assessment of GHG emission reductions of waste treatment facilities within the project boundary.
  • Development and support in the application of the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) model.
Capacity development
Capacity development
  • Establishment of an online knowledge platform.
  • Tailor-made capacity-building for the sector stakeholders.
  • Awareness raising activities for the local population.
Private sector mobilisation
Private sector mobilisation
  • Dissemination of information about the business prospects of IWM.
  • Investor matchmaking and networking.
  • Development of a Best Available Technique (BAT) business case demo-tool.
Integrated waste management (IWM) systems are established in at least 3 municipalities.
Policy recommendation and/or technical standards are considered by political decision makers.
Experiences with the application of Chinese MRV methodology for the waste sector available.
Capacity of key stakeholders on internationale best practices for integrated waste management is increased.
Awareness of stakeholders from private and financial sectors for IWM business prospects increased.
Public and private up-scaling throughout China’s waste sector is triggered by replicable flagship cases of integrated waste management systems and waste-to-energy technologies established according to BAT and BEP. The systems are operating in a financially sustainable way in at least three demonstration municipalities.
IWM NAMA project will reduce GHG emissions of China’s waste sector and induce a transformational change in the way waste is handled through increasing the attractiveness of IWM and waste-to-energy solutions as financially sustainable low-carbon investment options.